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at Ajou: 2016 - present

 * First author / Corresponding author / Lab member

RNF213 variant and autophagic impairment: A pivotal link to endothelial dysfunction in Moyamoya disease

Shin HS*, Park GH, Choi ES, Park SY, Kim DS, Chang J, Hong JM

J Cereb Blood Flow Metab, Online ahead of print

TRIM22 facilitates autophagosome-lysosome fusion by mediating the association of GABARAPs and PLEKHM1

Heo H*, Park H*, Lee MS, Kim J, Kim J, Jung S-Y, Kim SK, Lee S, Chang J

Autophagy, 20(5):1098-1113. May 2024

Neurofilament light chain and cardiac MIBG uptake as predictors for phenoconversion in isolated REM sleep behavior disorder

Park DG*, Kim JY*, Kim MS, Kim MH, An Y-S, Chang J, Yoon JH

J Neurol, 270(9):4393-4402, May 2023

Baseline Clinical and Biomarker Characteristics of Biobank Innovations for Chronic Cerebrovascular Disease With Alzheimer's Disease Study: BICWALZS

Roh HW*, Kim NR, Lee DG, Cheong JY, Seo SW, Choi SH, Kim EJ, Cho SH, Kim BC, Kim SY, Kim EY, Chang J, Lee SY, Yoon D, Choi JW, An YS, Kang HY, Shin H, Park B, Son SJ, Hong CH

Psychiatry Investig, 19(2):100-109, Jan 2022.

Association of plasma α-synuclein with cardiac 123I-MIBG scintigraphy in early Parkinson’s disease

Park DG*, Kang J*, An Y-S, Chang J, Yoon JH

Neurosci Lett, 770:136399, Jan 2022.

Plasma neurofilament light chain level and orthostatic hypotension in early Parkinson’s disease

Park DG*, Kim JW*, An Y-S, Chang J, Yoon JH

J Neural Transm, 128(12):1853-1861, Dec 2021

Identification of cathepsin D as a plasma biomarker for Alzheimer's disease

Kim JW*, Jung S-Y*, Kim Y, Heo H, Hong CH, Seo SW, Choi SH, Son SJ, Lee S, Chang J

Cells, 10(1), 138, Jan 2021

Identification of BAG2 and cathepsin D as plasma biomarkers for Parkinson’s disease

Kang J*, Kim JW*, Heo H, Lee J, Park KY, Yoon JH, Chang J

Clin Transl Sci, 14(2):606-616, Mar 2021

Hereditary spastic paraplegia SPG8 mutations impair CAV1-dependent, integrin-mediated cell adhesion

Lee S*, Park H, Zhu PP, Jung SY, Blackstone C, Chang J

Sci Signal, 13 (613), eaau7500, Jan 2020

     Selected as a cover paper of the issue

Cerebrospinal fluid levels of Aβ40 and Aβ42 are proportionately decreased in amyloid PET negative idiopathic normal-pressure hydrocephalus patients

Kim HJ*, Lim TS, Lee SM, Kim T, Kim Y, An Y, Youn YC, Park SA, Chang J, Moon SY

J Clin Neurol, 15 (3), 353-359, Jul 2019

Cigarette smoke condensate may disturb immune function with apoptotic cell death by impairing function of organelles in alveolar macrophages

Park EJ*, Lee HS, Lee SJ, Park YJ, Park SI, Chang J, Lee K

Toxicol In Vitro, 52, 351-364, Oct 2018


Impaired mitochondrial dynamics underlie axonal defects in hereditary spastic paraplegias

Denton K*, Mou Y, Xu CC, Shah D, Chang J, Blackstone C, Li XJ

Hum Mol Genet, 27 (14), 2517-2530, Jul 2018


Lung fibroblasts may play an important role in clearing apoptotic bodies of bronchial epithelial cells generated by exposure to PHMG-P-containing solution

Park EJ*, Park SJ, Kim S, Lee K, Chang J

Toxicol Lett, 286, 108-119, Apr 2018


Fibrous nanocellulose, crystalline nanocellulose, carbon nanotubes, and crocidolite asbestos elicit disparate immune responses upon pharyngeal aspiration in mice

Park EJ*, Khaliullin TO*, Shurin MR, Kisin ER, Yanamala N, Fadeel B, Chang J, Shvedova AA

J Immunotoxicol, 15 (1), 12-23, Dec 2018


Comparison of subchronic immunotoxicity of four different types of aluminum-based nanoparticles

Park EJ*, Lee SJ*, Lee G, Kim D, Yoon C, Lee B, Kim Y, Chang J, Lee K

J Appl Toxicol, 38 (4), 575-584, Apr 2018


Methylisothiazolinone may induce cell death and inflammatory response through DNA damage in human liver epithelium cells

Park EJ*, Kim S, Chang J

Environ Toxicol, 33 (2),156-166, Feb 2018

Ambient fine particulate matters induce cell death and inflammatory response by influencing mitochondria function in human corneal epithelial cells

Park EJ*, Chae JB, Lyu J, Yoon C, Kim S, Yeom C, Kim Y, Chang J

Environ Res, 159, 595-605, Nov 2017

Tissue distribution following 28-day repeated oral administration of aluminum-based nanoparticles with different properties and the in vitro toxicity

Park EJ*, Lee GH, Yoon C, Jeong U, Kim Y, Chang J, Kim DW

J Appl Toxicol, 37 (12), 1408-1419, Dec 2017

PLK4 phosphorylation of CP110 is required for efficient centriole assembly

Lee M*, Seo MY*, Chang J*, Hwang DS, Rhee K

Cell Cycle, 16 (12), 1225-1234, Jun 2017


Nano-sized iron particles may induce multiple pathways of cell death following generation of mistranscripted RNA in human corneal epithelial cells

Park EJ*, Che JB, Kang S, Lyu J, Jeong U, Yeom C, Kim, Y, Chang J

Toxicol In Vitro, 42, 348-357, Aug 2017

Pulmonary glass particles may persist in the lung suppressing function of immune cells

Park EJ*, Lee GH*, Kim JC, Lee S, Lee K, Lee BS, Chang J, Kim DW

Environ Toxicol, 32 (6), 1688-1700, Jun 2017

FAM21 directs SNX27-retromer cargoes to the plasma membrane by preventing transport to the Golgi apparatus

Lee S*, Chang J*, Blackstone C

Nat Commun, 7, 10939, Mar 2016

at SNU and NIH: 2004 - 2015

Loss of AP-5 results in accumulation of aberrant endolysosomes: defining a new type of lysosomal storage disease

Hirst J*, Edgar JR*, Esteves T, Darios F, Madeo M, Chang J, Roda RH, Dürr A, Anheim M, Gellera C, Li J, Züchner S, Mariotti C, Stevanin G, Blackstone C, Kruer MC, Robinson MS

Hum Mol Genet, 24 (17), 4984-96, Sep 2015

Spastin-interacting protein NA14/SSNA1 functions in cytokinesis and axonal development

Goyal U*, Renvoisé B*, Chang J, Blackstone C

PLoS One, 9 (11), e112428, Nov 2014

Spastic paraplegia proteins spastizin and spatacsin mediate autophagic lysosome reformation

Chang J*, Lee S*, Blackstone C

J Clin Invest, 124 (12), 5249-62, Dec 2014

     Highlighted in Editor's Picks in JCI Impact - December 2014

     Interviewed by JCI: First Author Perspectives

Lysosomal abnormalities in hereditary spastic paraplegia types SPG15 and SPG11

Renvoisé B*, Chang J*, Singh R, Yonekawa S, FitzGibbon EJ, Mankodi A, Vanderver A, Schindler A, Toro C, Gahl WA, Mahuran DJ, Blackstone C, Pierson TM

Ann Clin Transl Neurol, 1 (6), 379-389, Jun 2014

Asymmetric spindle pole formation in CPAP-depleted mitotic cells

Lee M*, Chang J, Chang S, Lee KS, Rhee K

Biochem Biophys Res Commun, 444 (4), 644-50, Feb 2014

Protrudin binds atlastins and endoplasmic reticulum-shaping proteins and regulates network formation

Chang J*, Lee S, Blackstone C

Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A, 110 (37), 14954-9, Sep 2013

Rab10 joins the ER social network

Chang J*, Blackstone C

Nat Cell Biol, 15 (2), 135-6, Feb 2013


Essential role of Cenexin1, but not Odf2, in ciliogenesis

Chang J*, Seo SG*, Lee KH, Nagashima K, Bang JK, Kim BY, Erikson RL, Lee KW, Lee HJ, Park JE, and Lee KS

Cell Cycle, 12 (4), 655-62, Feb 2013

     Highlighted in News & Views in Cell Cycle 12 (6), 869

     Highlighted in News & Views in Cell Cycle 12 (7), 1021

MITD1 is recruited to midbodies by ESCRT-III and participates in cytokinesis

Lee S*, Chang J, Renvoisé B, Tipirneni A, Yang S, Blackstone C

Mol Biol Cell, 23 (22), 4347-61, Nov 2012

PLK2 phosphorylation is critical for CPAP function in procentriole formation during the centrosome cycle

Chang J*, Cizmecioglu O, Hoffmann I, Rhee K

EMBO J, 29 (14), 2395-406, Jul 2010

A novel function of CEP135 as a platform protein of C-NAP1 for its centriolar localization

Kim K*, Lee S*, Chang J*, Rhee K

Exp Cell Res, 314 (20), 3692-700, Dec 2008

NIP1/XB51/NECAB3 is a potential substrate of Nek2, suggesting specific roles of Nek2 in Golgi

Yoo JC*, Chang JR, Kim SH, Jang SK, Wolgemuth DJ, Kim K, Rhee K

Exp Cell Res, 292 (2), 393-402, Jan 2004

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